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Table 2 Coding definitions, instructions and examples

From: Participating in the scientific publication process: exploring how pre-college students perceive publication within the scientific enterprise



Coding instructions


Scientific publication can progress science and society

The student beliefs on the outcome or purpose of publication in the “big picture”

Include segments that refer to the impact of science publication/communication beyond their personal world.

“So definitely I think the publishing aspect is really important because not only will it show other people what I’ve done, but it can also inspire them or it can also encourage them to think more about what I did. And then might even lead to them doing their own investigation or anything like that.”

Scientific research requires nuanced conclusions

Student perceptions on the outcome of their research project

Include segments in which students discuss developing or refining their conclusions.

“Before that, I’m trying to remember, I’m pretty sure that like in science we learned that if this happens, it proves this. It’s like a law that if you have these conditions, this will happen. And like a theory is like this means this, so if this will happen, this will happen. So it’s like proving something and um it’s a very concrete word. So support, it’s not so concrete it’s not like it will always happen like this.”

“I think that’s what I learned about making conclusions. I was very willing to expand conclusions, but it was really baby steps that had to be taken instead. That’s what I learned about that section that I just need to step it back a little bit to make sure.”

Scientific publication requires clear and precise communication

Student perceptions on expectations in communicating their research

Include segments that refer to what is required or expected in the writing of scientific research; include segments that include student perceptions of the nuances of scientific communication.

“And um how to get my information across in the most efficient way possible using different ways of communicating the information too. So, making sure my figures were as informative as, you know, my writing is and um yeah.”

Confidence and self-efficacy in pursuing STEM

Student perceptions of their own skills and belongingness as scientists

Include segments that refer to student perceptions of their own abilities, skills or identity as a scientist.

“So it really opened my eyes into how accessible research is. So even high schoolers like me.”

Scientific publication requires revision and refinement

Student conceptions of the process involved in getting their paper published

Include segments in which students discuss their experiences in the submission and publication process.

“I think I was shocked with how many times I got it back with more corrections.”

Scientific research requires operationalizing an idea

Student experiences in developing a research question and developing methodology to answer their question

Include segments in which students refer to their process of developing a research idea. Include comments around identification of a specific problem or challenge, including comments about seeking help from others if the focus of the comment is using that help to start a project.

“We started to think about what science fair project to do and then my parents gave us edition about [topic] so that’s how I got the idea.”

Scientific publication results in better science and scientists

Student beliefs on the outcome of the publication process specific to their work or skills (or that of other scientists)

Include segments that make judgments about change in their thinking, skills, research process or product that are directly related to the publication process.

“You actually got feedback, you actually got help. You actually got to create something better.”

Scientific publication is cooperative

Student explanations on how people work together in science and publication

Include segments where students refer to seeking or receiving help on their research project.

Include segments that reference the reviewers as people or members of their scientific community.

“Umm I think my role was more uhhh conceptualizing the project in the beginning but when it came down to writing our JEI paper umm we definitely split the work. I-I think umm a lot of, we kind of separated like sections of the paper when we were writing it.”

“It gives you a sort of like you believe that like there’s people who are actually reading who are actually look at your paper and putting their time into your it. It makes you um consider their criticism much more, not criticism but more like review.”