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Table 1 Time and year or survey dissemination, total number of participants, and sample demographics by year

From: The impacts of COVID-19 on K-8 science teaching and teachers

Survey time/year


Participant demographics by year

Summer 2018


NGSS study participants: middle school science teachers from California

Summer 2019


NGSS study participants: middle school science teachers from California

Spring 2020*


NGSS study participants: middle school science teachers from California

Summer 2020*


NGSS study participants: middle school science teachers from California + expanded sample: K-8 science teachers across US

Spring 2021


NGSS study participants from California + expanded sample: K-8 science teachers across US

  1. *Spring 2020 survey asked about in-person instruction prior to school closures. Summer 2020 survey asked about distance-learning instruction during school closures