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Table 9 Reported change of teacher competence based on PD and direction of change. (Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding. Values of Direction of change may add up to more than 64 because some studies fit multiple categories)

From: Professional development programs to improve science teachers’ skills in the facilitation of argumentation in science classroom—a systematic review



N (%)


Change in teacher competence?


- Yes

54 (84.4)

- No

10 (15.6)

Direction of change


- Positive

50 (92.6)

 Positive and other

21 (42.0)a

- Neutral

3 (5.6)

- Negative

1 (1.9)

  1. aPercentage based on a subsample of N = 50 studies where positives results were reported; for the full sample (N = 64) it would be 32.8%