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Fig. 5 | Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research

Fig. 5

From: Policy translation in assemblage: networked actors mediating science teachers’ policy play

Fig. 5

Illustration of Maggie’s translation of the three focal policies. A Strongly opposed to NCLB because of her espoused practices and view of administrators as managers, she experienced political dilemmas, but makes small actions to adapt the policies considering her interaction with the mediating actors. B Misunderstanding the NGSS due to limited opportunities to learn about the policy, Maggie navigated the conceptual dilemma by rejecting it, seeing her existing practices as similar and equally strong. C Conceptual dilemmas around PBL stemmed from her misunderstanding the policy as similar to her current practice, given that the policy was created by a less experienced administrator, she rejected it as a fad

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