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Table 1 Introduction of the six conditions

From: Effect of retrieval practice and drawing on high school students’ conceptual understanding of the carbon cycle

Learning condition

Learning activities

Rationale of the design

Generative sketching (GS)

Students drew sketches of the carbon cycle while reading the text material.

Representational drawing in an open-book style

Generative Concept mapping (GC)

Students drew concept maps of the carbon cycle while reading the text material.

Abstract drawing in an open-book style

Retrieval Sketching (RS)

Students read the text first and then drew sketches of the carbon cycle without access to the text material.

Representational drawing in a closed-book style

Retrieval Concept mapping (RC)

Students read the text first and then drew concept maps for the carbon cycle without access to the text material.

Abstract drawing in a closed-book style

Retrieval practice

Students read the text first and then recalled as much of the information as they could by paragraphing.

Control 1


Students read the text and then restudied it by taking notes

Control 2