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Table 3 Collaborative structure with codes, descriptions, and examples

From: Exploring the influence of collaborative data-based decision making among teachers in professional learning communities on teaching practice

Code (n, %)


Examples (source)

Proactive collaboration and planning (31, 47%)

Intentional and planned, using historical assessment data

(1) I like the pre-planning because then I can get [the students] focused on the issue correctly from the beginning instead of having to go and reteach from the beginning… So, everyone is on the same page. (Katie, interview)

(2) What I think is amazing is that we have here at this junior high, is we have those PLC days. We’re able to sit there and talk about data or whatever I mean, that makes a huge difference, especially the collaboration for especially being very new (Martha, interview).

Reactive collaboration and planning (15, 23%)

Intentional and planned for using current student assessment data

(3) [O]ur tests we have several, several [standards] per test. So, we will look at item analysis to see if it is just the [standard] itself, or if it was a question… And then we deep dive into comparing [the item] to how we taught that content (Pam, interview).


(4) The teachers share and discuss strategies to help the current students in the immediate future as they prepare for finals over the next few weeks (Department meeting observation).


(5) Teachers discuss strategies to reteach students who struggled with the 7th grade assessment. They individually determine if the reteach in small group or to a whole group (Department meeting observation).

  1. All names are pseudonyms