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Table 3 Contexts in scientific literacy

From: Development and validation of an instrument for assessing scientific literacy from junior to senior high school





Health and disease

Maintenance of health, accidents, nutrition

Control of disease, social transmission, food choices, community health

Epidemics, spread of infectious diseases

Natural resources

Personal consumption of materials and energy

Maintenance of human populations, quality of life, security, production and distribution of food, energy supply

Renewable and non-renewable natural systems, population growth, sustainable use of species

Environmental quality

Environmentally friendly actions, use and disposal of materials and devices

Population distribution, disposal of waste, environmental impact

Biodiversity, ecological sustainability, control of pollution, production and loss of soil/biomass


Risk assessments of lifestyle choices

Rapid changes (e.g. earthquakes, severe weather), slow and progressive changes (e.g. coastal erosion, sedimentation), risk assessment

Climate change, impact of modern communication

Frontiers of science and technology

Scientific aspects of hobbies, personal technology, music and sporting activities

New materials, devices and processes, genetic modifications, health technology, transport

Extinction of species, exploration of space, origin and structure of the universe