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Table 6 Challenges related to classroom management

From: Moving from surviving to thriving: a taxonomy of beginning science teacher challenges



Behavior management during activities

Challenges related to the behavior of students during activities such as laboratories, group activities, and field trips.


Challenges related to students cheating on tests, activities, and other assignments

Developing classroom management rules, procedures, and norms

Challenges related to the development of rules and procedures as a way to improve the learning environment and to mitigate student misbehaviors

Efficacy and personal issues related to classroom management

Challenges related to teacher beliefs that they are not effective classroom managers and personal frustrations related to management

Enforcing rules and procedures

Challenges related to teacher enforcement of existing rules and follow-through of consequences in a fair manner

Fostering a respectful classroom environment

Challenges related to developing mutual-respect between teacher and student and between other students.

Frustration with disrespect of students

Challenges related to expressed teacher frustration stemming from student disrespect directed at the teacher or their classroom activity

Cannot bring whole self to classroom

Challenges related to beliefs that having light interactions, such as joking with the class, are not possible. Also related to the belief that classroom control may be lost if they do not have a serious personality

Individual student behavior modification

Challenges related to working with changing the behavior of individual students often in one-on-one situations as well as the exploration of various causes and possible solutions to behavior

Selected students disrupting whole class

Challenges related to individual or small groups of students who are disrupting the learning environment, often resulting in their removal from class

Staff or admin does not support teacher classroom management

Challenges related to staff or administrative policies, decisions, or follow through that undermine the classroom management and disciplinary decisions of the teacher


Challenges related to the theft of classroom supplies

Whole class off task

Challenges related to management of whole classes of students that are ‘chatty’ or off task