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Fig. 3 | Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research

Fig. 3

From: Are science competitions meeting their intentions? a case study on affective and cognitive predictors of success in the Physics Olympiad

Fig. 3

Probabilities of advancement to the next competition round for different values of predictor variables Note. EXSU = expectancy of success; VACO = values assigned to the competition; SEEF = self-efficacy; SOSU = social support; GCAB = general cognitive abilities; PPSA = physics problem solving ability. Regarding one transition of interest, three differently shaded curves are shown for each predictor variable. The middle curve (transparent) represents the probability of advancement to the next round of participants who have an average value on each predictor variable (here average refers to the participants of our study). The light grey and dark grey shaded curves correspond to participants who have a low (one standard deviation below the average) and high value (one standard deviation above the average) on the corresponding predictor variables, respectively, while all other variables are kept at average level

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